Roof painting can give the appearance of your home a fresh new look, as well as adding some colour and life to it.
Your roof is the highest point of your home and is designed to protect your property from the elements and harsh Australian sun.
Brisbane Painting provide our local clients with roof painting services for both metal and tile roofs to keep your property looking its best all year round.
your roof doesn’t necessarily need to mean reviving the same colour scheme of your house and can actually be a great time to select a new colour scheme to change things up a bit. If you had an outdated colour choice for your roof, we are able to provide you with a newer more modern look to your home just by changing the colour of your roof. If you are wanting to change the colour but aren’t sure what would be suitable, our team of professionals would be happy to give advice based off our experience working with roof painting and understanding of current and emerging trends in the area.
Preparation for the painting of a roof is paramount to make sure that the application is don’t correctly and no defects will occur. To prepare the surface ofyour roof, we first have to wash it to remove any rust that may accumulated on your metal roof, or moss and grime that may have accumulated on your tiled roof. After the cleaning of the roof is completed, we then need to prime the surface ready for the paint to make sure it is given the best possible foundation for longevity. We use a spray gun to paint roofs, giving them a nice even finish all the way around.
The choice of paint is very important in the protection if your roof, and this selection should not be left to a novice who may not understand what protective measures are for roof painting. Our team at Brisbane Painting make sure that we keep a solid understanding of products available on the market to make sure that we are always using the best quality paint that is both waterproof and protects your roof from the glare of the sun. This will also help to keep your roof cooler and may result in the requirement for less electricity usage for cooling down your home.
Roof painting is not something that you will need on a regular basis, but perhaps every 5 years if done by a professional. Having a novice complete your works may result in the need for increased frequency of painting. To keep your roof well maintained be sure to have your gutters cleaned regularly as this can help to prevent grime build up for tiled roofs. Having protective paint applied to your roof will have a longer lasting visible appearance than others, but we don’t recommend waiting until your roof is looking shabby to have it repainted again.